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Showing articles from business tag

Book of Business Report Guide

Book of Business – Report (There is a pdf copy of this training guide available within this guide - see Attachments) This is a Power BI report available via the insights module. Tabular report that contains the following: * Policy sales * Written premium * Brokerage commission * Brokerage commission % of …

New Business Policy Details Report Guide

New Business Policy Details – Report (There is a pdf copy of this training guide available within this guide - see Attachments) This is a Power BI report available via the insights module. This is a tabular report that shows only new business policy sales. Tips * If you forget which criteria you use…

Book of Business Dashboard Report Guide

Book Of Business Dashboard Report Report showing Policy Count for various categories like * Discovery method * Risk Location * Carrier * Age Group Tips * You can click on any of the fields within the visuals and the report will recalibrate with only those results showing.  For example; if you wa…

How to create a new partner in podium (Business payee)

In this article you will learn: * How to add a Partner in podium as a Business Payee (referral fees go to the Business) * Partner codes showing in thru * Permission to email customer documents partners For information on how to create a new individual partner in podium - see article  - How to create a new pa…

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