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Q1 2023 Nudes Letter
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 NUDE'S LETTER - Q1 of 2023




Nude's Letter

Thank you for your ongoing support! We are continuously working to improve the Nude Solutions platform and cannot do it without you! 


This edition includes : 


  • Office Closure days
  • Industry News
  • Just for Fun
  • Articles
  • Tips and Tricks
  • Our people
  • Incase You Missed It


Office Closure                                                                   




No closures at this time



Industry News




Podcast- What's on Dec?

We thought we would share some information on Podcasts through Canadian Underwriter, that have some interesting, informative industry news.


Source - Canadian Underwriter


We thought we would share some information on API's through Insurance Canada, that cover a study on the benefits of API Connectivity. 

Source- Insurance Canada


Tech Talk

  • Why are some tech companies laying off while other are not?

The COVID-19 pandemic has impacted different sectors of the economy in varying ways. While some businesses have been able to continue operating relatively smoothly, others have been hit hard by the economic disruption caused by the pandemic. In particular, tech companies, like many other businesses, have been affected by changes in consumer behaviour and the way people work.  For example, the widespread adoption of remote work has led to decreased demand for some types of tech products and services, while also creating new opportunities for others. Additionally, many tech companies have experienced increased competition from new players in the market, which has led to a need for greater efficiency and cost-cutting measures.


Given these challenges, many tech companies have been forced to lay off employees in order to reduce costs and adapt to the changing economic landscape. Some companies, particularly those in essential industries like healthcare, insurance and logistics, have experienced increased demand and have been able to avoid layoffs. Other businesses that have been able to pivot to new markets or business models have also been able to weather the storm without significant job cuts. Ultimately, the ability of a company to avoid layoffs depends on a variety of factors, including the industry it operates in, the extent to which it has been impacted by the pandemic, and its ability to adapt to new market conditions.


We are in a great position here at Nude solutions, in our marketplace and we are here to stay! For 2023, our company chose the word "Solid" to represent us as a team, our work, integrity, ethics and value. While some companies may be laying off, we are actually hiring and if you know of anyone who may be a fit, we have the following positions available: 



Data Analytics

  • how is data analytics being used in the insurance industry to assess risk, improve underwriting, and personalize products?

Data analytics is playing an increasingly important role in the insurance industry. By leveraging large volumes of data and sophisticated analytical techniques, insurers are able to better assess risk, improve underwriting, and personalize products for their customers. Here are just some insights on how data analytics is being used in these areas:


  1. Risk assessment: Insurers are using data analytics to assess risk more accurately and efficiently. By analyzing large volumes of data, including demographic, socioeconomic, and behavioral information, insurers can identify patterns and trends that help them to better understand the likelihood and impact of different types of risks. This allows them to price policies more accurately and offer more customized coverage options.

  2. Underwriting: Data analytics is also being used to improve the underwriting process. Insurers are using advanced analytical models and algorithms to evaluate applications, assess risk, and make underwriting decisions more quickly and accurately. This can help to reduce costs, improve efficiency, and provide a better customer experience.

  3. Personalization: Insurers are using data analytics to personalize products and services for their customers. By analyzing data on customer behavior, preferences, and needs, insurers can create customized products that meet individual needs and provide a more personalized experience. This can lead to greater customer satisfaction and loyalty.

  4. Claims management: Data analytics is also being used to improve claims management. Insurers are using advanced analytics and machine learning techniques to automate claims processing, identify fraud, and improve the accuracy and speed of claims assessments. This can help to reduce costs, improve efficiency, and provide a better customer experience.


Overall, data analytics is transforming the insurance industry by enabling insurers to make better decisions, improve efficiency, and provide more personalized products and services to their customers. As the volume and complexity of data continue to grow, data analytics will become an even more critical tool for insurers seeking to remain competitive in an increasingly digital and data-driven world.


Source - byMOS


Cyber Security

What are the best practices to protect personal and business data?

Cybersecurity threats are constantly evolving, and it is important to stay up-to-date on the latest threats and best practices for protecting personal and business data. Here are some updates on the latest cybersecurity threats and best practices:

  1. Ransomware attacks: Ransomware attacks are one of the most common types of cyber threats. Hackers use malicious software to encrypt an organization's data, making it inaccessible until a ransom is paid. To protect against ransomware attacks, it is important to back up your data regularly, use strong passwords, and keep your security software up-to-date.

  2. Phishing attacks: Phishing attacks involve tricking individuals or businesses into providing sensitive information, such as login credentials or financial data. To protect against phishing attacks, it is important to be cautious when clicking on links or downloading attachments from unknown sources, and to use security software that can detect and block phishing attempts.

  3. Social engineering attacks: Social engineering attacks involve tricking individuals or businesses into providing sensitive information or taking a specific action, such as transferring money to a fraudulent account. To protect against social engineering attacks, it is important to educate employees about common tactics and how to recognize and report suspicious activity.

  4. Password security: Passwords are often the first line of defense against cyber threats, and it is important to use strong and unique passwords for all accounts. Two-factor authentication can also provide an additional layer of security.

  5. Encryption: Encryption is a powerful tool for protecting sensitive data. By encrypting data at rest and in transit, you can help ensure that it remains confidential and secure.

  6. Security training: Regular security training for employees is essential for protecting personal and business data. This can include training on how to recognize and respond to cyber threats, as well as best practices for data protection.

In summary, the latest cybersecurity threats include ransomware attacks, phishing attacks, social engineering attacks, and password security breaches. To protect personal and business data, it is important to use strong passwords, encrypt data, provide regular security training for employees, and keep security software up-to-date. By staying vigilant and following best practices, individuals and businesses can help protect themselves against cyber threats.


Source - Wordstream


Just for Fun                                                                   





Source - Pinterest





To support you and your team in the use of the Nude Solutions platform, knowledgebase articles are available to all users by clicking on the Support icon. 


Here is a reminder of the instructions to access those articles:



In our efforts to improve knowledge and support your experience with using the platform, we make frequent updates to the articles as well as regularly publishing new articles (New features = YES!).  Here is a list of the latest additions, for your reading pleasure:


UPDATED: Registered Letter Process


Tips and Tricks




What does "send application (AFI) email to client mean"?

This question is asked in the thru funnel on the "Checkout & Pay" page.

When the customer sees this screen in the thru funnel, they only have one option to accept the Application for Insurance. This means that when they click the icon, and then Checkout & Pay, they will view and be asked to accept the application.

When a Broker is logged into the thru funnel they may also have the following option (based on their admin permissions - AFI is a permission that can be assigned) The Broker can choose to email or view the Application for Insurance meaning:

Email - An email will be generated to the customer asking them to click a link to accept the Application for Insurance. Once the link has been clicked, a page will appear with the Application for Insurance. The customer needs to scroll to the bottom and tick the acceptance box and submit for the application to be accepted.

View - Upon clicking 'Buy Now', this will open the application for Insurance and the broker will be able to accept the Application for Insurance on the customers behalf. This is useful if the brokerage has call recording or has a paper copy of the application from the customer or the customer is in the office and can read the application with the broker.


Can I process a change more than 30 days ahead?

No. The calendar in the Change Policy feature will also only allow you to pick a date that is available, so you won't accidentally be able to perform it either.


What causes lockouts? 

There are many factors for lockouts and there are many lockouts set in the platform. They may be set by the carriers or brokerage. Here are some examples: 



If there is a fire, natural disaster etc in the area the insurer may not be accepting new business at the postal code being quoted. If this is the case, the broker and client will both see a 'Natural Disaster' message. Neither the customer nor the broker will be able to proceed with this quote until the lockout has been lifted.

Periscope (social criminal or behaviour)

This lockout is produced by the social, criminal & behaviour check. The broker and customer will see this error after the Buy Now button has been pressed to purchase the policy. There will be a white page with a 'Underwriting Reasons' message. An activity will also be created in bond. 

Underwriting Guidelines

There are many underwriting lockouts built within the thru funnel. If a broker is logged in completing a quote and a lockout is triggered, the lockout icon will illuminate. Click this icon to review the lockouts. If the customer receives a lockout a white page will appear advising a broker will call. An activity has been generated in the lead management silo of bond. The lockouts will be listed in the activity.

What does minimum premium mean?

A alert will show in thru quote summary when the quoted premium cannot be discounted any further. Applying any additional discounts to the quote will not further reduce the premium.



Our People - Charity Work and our Team




We think we have some pretty amazing people here at Nude Solutions, whether it be working accomplishments, vast knowledge, volunteering or simply their ability to narrate the whole of Stars Wars!

Our talents are endless and we want to share some stories with you.  


Ronald McDonald House Charities - Home For Dinner

"Families can cope better when they can be together"


Back in our December, some of our amazing staff volunteered and bought groceries to provide dinners for families staying at the house.Preparing a meal can be a stressful task after spending a long and potentially emotional day at the hospital. Thanks to our generous volunteers, the House can reduce this stress for families. Duties include planning, cooking, cleaning up, and packaging any leftovers. Learn more about how you can help donate at Ronald McDonald House Charities

Thank you so much to the Ronald McDonald House for allowing us to participate in the Home for Dinner program. We're extremely grateful to have been part of such a great cause.



Year End Vicious Party


“It’s hard work that makes things happen. It’s hard work that creates change.”


This is exactly what our Nude Solutions team does. They put their heart and soul into everything they do and we couldn't be more thankful for such an amazing team.


Our team had an incredible time celebrating all of our accomplishments made in 2022 and hit the ground running for 2023. We are thankful everyday for such an amazing team and look forward to many more successes to come. We are amazed everyday at what our team accomplishes and how much they support each other.


We all had a very enjoyable evening!





Incase you missed it.....




We know that you enjoy hearing about our latest releases, but we understand that insurance life is busy, so here are the latest bulletins for your convenience:




Thank you for your ongoing support! We are continuously working to improve the Nude Solutions platform and cannot do it without you! 


Please send any enhancement requests to: [email protected] 

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