Sep 09, 2021
Retention Analysis Report
NEW REPORT - September 2021:
- Policy Retention rates by year.
- Premium Retentions rates by year.
- Slicers at the top enable you to slice via Carrier, primary contact Province or Policy Type.
- Table format at the bottom of the report provides a year by year % rate.
Remember to refer to the Data Dictionary for the definitions of terms used within this report - Saved here: Data Dictionary v5
- Use the slicers at the top of the report if you want to drill down to the carrier, province and/or policy type. The data within the report will refresh once the slicers are used, to provide finer analysis.
Table view of report
At the bottom of the report is a simplified table view of both the Policy and Premium Retention reports, on a year by year basis.
In this example here we can see:
- those that had their first renewal in 2019 had 55.56% renewed.
- those that had their first renewal in 2020 had 70.62% renewed.
- those that had their first renewal in 2021 had 57.68% renewed.
Policy Retention Rates - 1st year
As the below image shows:
- The expected renewals are those that were new policies the previous year and therefore available to renew the following year. In the below example 27 policies in 2019.
- Actual Renewal are how many renewed out of the expected. In our example, 15 out of the 27 in the year 2019.
- Policy Retention shows the figures as a %. 15 out of 27 = 55.56% in 2019.
Policy Retention Rates - 2nd Year
In the below example we see the following:
- 2019 had 15 renewals. Therefore there are now 15 policies Expected to renew in 2020.
- Our report shows that number moves to 2020 expected renewal policy count.
- Of the15 renewals expected in 2020, 13 of those renewed, and so on.
Policy Retention Rates - Greater than 2nd year
- In the same way that 2nd year data shows, the data indicated in grey shows the renewals that are for 3rd year and older.
- In this example below, 13 renewed in 2020 so they are now the expected number (available to renew) in 2021. Shown in grey.
Premium Retention - 1st year
As the below image shows:
- The expected renewal premiums are those that were new policies the previous year and therefore the NET premium of those policies. In the below example $32,870 premium in 2019.
- Actual Renewal premiums are how much premium, out of the expected was collected. In our example, $22,709 out of the $32,870 in the year 2019.
- Premium Retention shows the figures as a %. $22,709 out of $32,870 = 69.09% in 2019.
Premium Retention - 2nd year
In the below example we see the following:
- 2019 had actual received renewal premiums of $22,709. Therefore this is the $ amount Expected to renew in 2020.
- Our report shows that number moves to 2020 expected renewal policy count.
- Of the $22,709 renewal premium expected in 2020, $21,138 of those renewed, and so on.
Premium Retention - Greater than 2nd year
- In the same way that 2nd year data shows, the data indicated in purple shows the renewals that are for 3rd year and older.