This section in admin allows you do to take control of some of the platform such as add policy types, control how and the visibility of different policy types, add and set reminders for your Provincial Licensing Information.
You will only be able to access these functions if you are the digital champion or have the correct admin settings selected.
Go to admin.
Select Nude Setup
Select Policy Types/Provinces
This section will show the following in a table format:
- Province = Which province or provinces that you sell.
- Application Process = This describes the type of application that is available, for example Modern is the common application process within the Nude platform as it is integrated, Manual would indicate it is a manual product.
- Customer/thru = This column indicates whether the product is visible to the Customer in thru. Yes or No. Yes indicates its there and the customer can get a quote and No means that it will not be shown.
- Broker/thru = This column indicates whether the product is visible to Brokers in thru. Yes or No. Yes indicates its there and the brokers can get a quote and No means that it will not be shown.
- Broker/bond = This option will be available soon. It will state where bond is visible to the broker and let you control if it is visible.
Here is a view of how it will look:
Editing the Province
If we look at the above screenshot, you will see the 3 dots under Actions, you can select those for each province and use this keep a record of the license details for your company for that province. You can modify the following for your own records:
License Effective Date and Expiry Date = these fields to input your licensing dates
First Renewal Reminder and Second Renewal Reminder = use these fields to show when you would like a reminder that the license is due
Send Reminder to = here you can select the people that will receive that reminder note.
Here is an example:
After you have completed the relevant fields, select Submit and this is saved for you.
Complete the process for the other Provinces if applicable.
Policy Type Setup
You can drill down into these Province sections by selecting the arrow to the left of the Province name, as shown here:
Then you can select the arrows again next to each of those Lines of Business to drill further.
Selecting the arrow next to Lines of Business opens Policy Group and then Policy Types - here is an example:
The above image shows us all the Policy Types, along with their application process, where the customer or broker can view in trhu, whether the broker can view in bond and actions.
Selecting on Actions allows you to control and amend the various sections of these Policy Types.
Actions button
The above image, far right column, shows the Actions button (3 dots).
Selecting that opens a sub menu of actions you can take:
- Configure Modern Policy Type
- Add Manual Application Process
- Change Policy Icon
Configure Modern Policy Type / Control visibility of the policy type icons in thru
This section allows you to configure (edit) your Policy Types and control the icons visible in thru or bond.
The other half of this section allows us to modify the visibility in our platform. Changing these fields will apply the change to all the provinces that appear in the section above, for your company. So if you want to just remove one province, the best option is to just check them off that part shown above using the x key. If you want to make the visibility change for all your provinces, or you only sell sell in one province, you can use the below fields.
Customer/thru = This column indicates whether the product is visible to the Customer in thru. Yes or No. Yes indicates its there and the customer can get a quote and No means that it will not be shown.
Broker/thru = This column indicates whether the product is visible to Brokers in thru. Yes or No. Yes indicates its there and the brokers can get a quote and No means that it will not be shown.
Broker/bond = This option will be available soon. It will state where bond is visible to the broker and let you control if it is visible.
Preview Icon = This is showing us what icon we have for that Policy Type at present
After making any amendments, select the blue Submit button to apply the changes to the platform.
Add Manual Application Process.
This is the section in admin that you would use to add manual applications, that are not connected in the Nude Platform.
This process is the same as the instructions shown above for Configure Modern Policy Types. The fields have the same functions.
You can see that you can modify to add this option to your platform, if there is a modern application in place for this Policy type, that will appear as Primary application type in thru. The thru module will show the manual product icon which will open a contact form for the customer to fill in with their customer contact information, as opposed to providing you with risk details like a modern application does.
Here is an example of the manual product application form:
Change Policy Icon
This section will show you what is currently used as the icon for that specific policy type.
Coming Soon! - Using the Drag and Drop or Browse field, you can add your icon of choice. The preview icon to the right will update to show the upload you chose.