If your referral partner has multiple buildings that they look after. You can add those buildings in podium and attach a code to them.
Here is an example of one we have set up:
So, in the above example, ABC Property Management look after a building called 27 Test Ave (which is on 27 Templebow Way NE, Calgary).
When we added this new building into their podium profile, we selected RONTEST10 as the code that should be used for the renters in that building.
It is important that the code is unique from others used and is specific for the tenants of that building or to recognize it is a referral from that building.
Using this set up feature serves a number of purposes;
- The tenants of that building get a discount (Set up as a discount) or the referral partner gets a referral fee (or both), or the code is used just to track the business.
- The referral partner receives an email showing that a customer bought a policy and lives in that building - the email example of this is below.
- If a broker knows that a tenant lives at a building has a code then they can look up the partner and find the building, then find the code.
This is an example of the email that a referral partner (Ron) would get if his code is used. It is unique to that building, so shows the address in the email for the partner to recognize.
Before adding the building, you would want to ensure that you have created the code to attach to the building. Once you have created the code (and ensure its only going to be used for customers at this building) -
- Go to the referral partner and see their profile screen.
- Towards the the bottom of the profile, there is an icon called New Building.
- Select New Building.
- This opens the fields that you need to complete to set this up. There are 3 sections:
- Complete all the sections above for the building that you want to add.
- For Codes - use the one that you set up which is intended for this building, it will show in the dropdown menu.
- Select Save and the building will now appear under the Buildings section on the partner profile.
- To amend or edit the building, use the pencil icon. Selecting this will open the fields up for amendment.
- Where there is a question which asks - Is Active. You can change to NO, which will mean that the code cant be used.
- To delete the building - you can use the delete icon, which is next to the edit pencil - as shown here:
Setting up a building does not pull through that building information when the code is used.
The customer will still be required to input their address in thru.
If a specific building code is used and the customer does not live at that address - the platform will NOT stop the customer from buying the insurance (and receiving the discount, if the code provides one).
It is suggested that you set up your own internal workflows to ensure that only those that should be using the codes are.
The referral partner will receive the email notification (if selected in their podium set up) and it will show the building/address and the customers name, for them to also check.