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Home > Nude Solutions modules > admin > Commission Agreements
Commission Agreements
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Digital Champions (or those with the commission admin permissions) will be able create Commission Agreements.

Once the Commission Agreement is set up, you will then be able to go to your Employee list in Employee Setup and add a Commission Agreement to a User profile.  

You must also assign a Role to that User.  Without the Role being attached to the User, the Commission Agreement will not pull through that Users transactions.


Important Note:

Users who have a Commission Agreement set up MUST assign the policy to themselves, or the right person, at the new policy Check out and Pay screen (using Roles dropdown), otherwise they will not get paid for that transaction.  You can also assign the Role to the quote, during the quote process, then email the quote to the customer.  This means that if the customer goes ahead and continues with the purchase of the policy without the brokers assistance (or after hours, for example) the Role stays assigned and the broker will still be recognized for the transaction.  


You can add them to the Role afterwards, so they might receive the Change Policy Or Renewal transaction commission BUT this will not add the New Policy transaction and this cannot be 'undone' by Support or added after the event. 



Adding a Commission Agreement


To view a recording (7.40 minutes) on this process, see this: Commission Agreements

From the admin module, select Commission Agreements.



  • + Add New. A screen opens and the fields must be completed to set up the commission agreement. 


An example is provided, below, along with a description in blue italics. Here is some information on those fields:


  • Name: This is what you would like to call the Commission Agreement. 

Example: in our example we set up flat $15 per sale. So named it that way for simplicity. 


  • Pay when:  This is related to when the commission agreement will pay out. Pay when Transacted is the only current option and therefore is the default answer. 
  • Commission Type: Choose from % of agency commission, % of premium or Flat $ amount.

Example: We chose Flat $ amount as we are paying a flat $15 per sale. 


  • Percent/Amount: Input the % amount if applicable or the flat $ amount in numbers only.

Example: We are going to pay $15, so we put 15.


Example: We used New, so the commission transaction will only be included if its a New policy. 


  • Additional Transaction Types: What type of transaction are you going to pay the commission on in addition to them being New policies. Choose from a dropdown menu which includes : Changes, Cancellation, Reinstatement. You can select all that apply.

Example: IF you chose Change , Cancellation and Reinstatement. They will get $15 on all of those transactions.


  • Include Policy Fee: Here you can select whether you will pay the user the policy fee too?

Example: We are not going to, so selected No.


  • Line of Business: Choose the line of business that you will pay the commission on. You can select all that apply.

Example: We are only going to pay the $15 on Personal policy sales. So selected that option.


Policy Type: In this field you can select all, or individually select the policy types that you want to pay the commission on. So, if you only pay the $15 on New Home policies. Select only Home.


Example: We are going to pay the $15 on Renters, so only selected that option.


  • Once you have completed the fields it will look like this: 



  • Select Submit to save the Commission Agreement.


The commission agreement will now sit in this overview page. 

As you can see from the below image, the profile will show a summary of the agreement or agreements that you have set up. The new one we just added is in red. 




You are now able to attach the Commission Agreements to Users in admin - Employee Setup.  

See article : How to add a new employee for more detail.



Edit a Commission Agreement


You are able to Edit an agreement BEFORE it is in use.


  • To edit you can select the Actions icon (3 dots) - shown in the above image on the right of the screen.  Select the Action icon next to the Commission Agreement that you would like to edit and you can go ahead and change what you need to *.
  • Submit again, to save the changes.


* If the Commission Agreement is attached to a User AND they have set up a policy or performed a transaction which matches the criteria of the Commission Agreement set up, then it cannot be edited. 

You will have to create a new Commission Agreement, with the corrections,  and attach that to the Users employee setup,  as shown above.

Make sure that you select an 'end date' on the Commission Agreement that appears in the Users profile. This will ensure the 'old/wrong' Commission Agreement transactions end and all new ones are added. 


Selecting an end date on a Commission Agreement


  • Go to the Employee/User that you need to apply the new Commission Agreement to.
  • Edit their profile and you will see a section that is called Commission Agreements.
  • From here, you can select the calendar next to the agreement and put an End date.  That will be the last date that any transaction for that commission agreement set up will apply.  
  • Add the new commission agreement and ensure the dates do not overlap.


Example: in the below example, we have ended the agreement, which pays $10 per sale, on 23rd August 2021 and added the new agreement, which pays $15 per sale, to be effective on the 24th August 2021.



Duplicating a Commission Agreement


There is a warning in place, within the admin module, which will stop you from adding the same Commission Type twice.  For example, here in the below screenshot, we tried to add a Commission Agreement to the user BUT because they are both for Condo and both for NEW policies (policy term and policy type are the same - NEW and Condo), the warning messaging occurs and you have to pick one, or end one agreement and select the other so you are not paying twice:



However you are able to add a 'duplicate' commission agreement as long as the Policy Term differs, one for New and one for Renewals.



It is possible to create two Commission Agreements, for the same product, if they are on different policy terms. For example, you can arrange two Condo commission agreements, one for New Policies and one for Renewal Policies.

So if you want to pay the Employee on New policies that pays 50% for New, Changes, Cancellations and Reinstatements (anything within the New term)  and then when the policy Renews pay 30% for Renewal, Changes, Cancellations and Reinstatements  (anything within the renewal term), you can go ahead and create these two separate Commission Agreements and allocate them both to the User under Employee Setup and they will receive the transactions for both policy terms.


Amending Transactions in Transaction Summary


If you have a Commission Agreement set up and you arrange a Manual Product policy, you may have the need to use Amend Transaction on the Transaction Summary screen.  This feature allow you to amend Policy Fee, Commission Type, Company Fee, Commission $ amount and New Premium.


These transactions might affect the Commission paid, therefore amending in that screen will correct/adjust those commissions paid. 




We have amended this transaction to show that the commission $ amount is $200, instead of $100 (we set it up in error on that basis), here is the Transaction Summary, showing the Reversal of the incorrect transaction and the new Rebilled transaction:



When you go ahead and pull the Employee Commission Reconciliation, the platform will pull through 3 transactions too, the New and Reversed and the Rebilled one, so that you can see what has happened and to reflect the corrected commission paid amounts.

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